Society For Promotion of Wastelands Development Green College Initiative(SPWD)
Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development HI- 214, Harmu housing Colony Ranchi, Jharkhand
(3 km from JaynagarMajilpur Station)

Green Trades

- Vermi-compost Producer
- Mushroom Cultivation
- Lac Cultivation
- Mango grower
- Sal Plate and Bowl Making
- Bioinput Producer
- Integrated live stock farming
- SRI In other crops
- Paddy Grower
- Organic farmer
- Improved Vegetable Cultivation

- Paddy farmer
- Sustainable Agriculture Practices
- Poultry, Goatery
- Organic farmer

Operational Area
Establishment: April 1982
Type of registration: Society under Societies Registration Act 1860
Registration number and date -S/12546 of 1982 (Societies Act)
PAN Number: AABAS4404N
TAN Number: DELS25777D
SPWD has over time established itself as a major national NGO in the field of environment, land and water management. It has worked in collaborative projects with over a hundred local voluntary agencies across 22 States in 16 agro-ecological regions of India. It has a vast body of cumulative experience and knowledge of various facets of environmental issues across the country, built up over the years. The organisation has played a useful role in networking government agencies, research institutions and NGOs.
SPWD’s understanding on NRM has broadened over the years from merely adopting soil and water conservation measures to assessing (1) land formation along with drainage pattern and geohydrology at different scales from micro watershed to sub-basin; (2) water bodies; (3) soil quality; (4) trend in climate variables; (5) land use/land cover and its changing trend; (6) access to resources; and linking these with farming and other livelihood practices and their impact in turn on resources before making any intervention.
Mission, Vision
To prevent arrest and reverse degradation of life support systems, particularly land and water,so as to expand livelihood opportunities in a sustainable and equitable manner through people’s participation
Since its inception, SPWD has been playing a catalytic role in reversing the process of degradation of land and other related natural resources in partnership with grassroots NGOs and the community institutions.
The main objective of SPWD, as stated in the Memorandum of Association, is to promote, encourage, aid, organize and assist in the improvement of production capacity of degraded lands and thereby also create additional opportunities for the rural poor with a view to bring about ecological stability and rural development.
The other aims and objects of the Society are:
• To assist village communities, private and public sector corporations, voluntary agencies and other institutions to establish plantations of suitable species of trees, other vegetation, with the cooperation and help wherever necessary, of Government and other institutions.
• To help establish linkages with financial institutions, rural communities and Government agencies for establishing plantations of suitable species of trees and related activities.
• To provide training programs for village level workers and for corporate & voluntary sectors for strengthening their programs through better utilisation of land & water resources.
• To encourage research related to fast growing species of fuelwood, fodder, fruit, timber, ornamental trees, and to undertake pilot projects and other related research.
• To provide technical assistance to interested agencies in their efforts for afforestation and utilization of wastelands.
• To collaborate with and assist government agencies and local bodies and communities on matters relating to the promotion of wasteland development programs.
Operational strategy
• Promote linkages between resource institutions, partner NGOs, policy-makers and other relevant agencies for sharing knowledge, technology and experience for natural resource regeneration and management; in a sustainable manner;
• Document and disseminate lessons from field interventions for the benefit of different stakeholders and use them for awareness raising and advocacy for legal, policy and procedural reforms
Resources and management
Presently the organisation works through three teams with members stationed in four locations including New Delhi where the Society’s Head Office is located. The Society’s Head Office is located in its own building. It has a corpus generated through contributions made by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Sir Dorabjee Tata Trust, Indian Oil, State Bank of India and Ford Foundation. The interest is used for partly meeting the society’s various expenditures including staff salaries and other important non-funded activities. The current staff strength is twenty one. Project management is the core activity of the program professional staff, involving collaborations with a variety of NGOs in different socio-ecological settings, which implement a wide range of water, forest and land related projects. SPWD helps them formulate projects and provides them small grants, accompanied by technical support and training.
The infrastructure facilities are likewise
SPWD,s green college is being runned in a rented space situated in arsandeykanke ranchi which is around 10 km from ranchi city
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